Make the Most of Your Engagement: 4 Time Management Tips for Brides-to-Be

Congratulations, you’re getting married! Enjoy your engagement to the fullest with these time management tips.

It’s the moment you’ve envisioned for years! You’re finally getting married! Will all the wedding planning starting soon, it’s normal to feel stressed out from time to time. In the guide below, we’ve gathered a few time management tools and tips to help you stay focused while enjoying engaged life to the fullest. Continue reading to find out more!

Make Lists

When you’re overwhelmed with so much to do, it’s easy to get out-of-control stressed. Instead of trying to remember all the things you must get done, consider making a list instead. On your list, write down all the things to get done for the wedding. Our complete wedding planning bundle can help with knowing what to do and when as you prep for wedding day. You should then make as list of all your normal daily activities as well. Keep the list separate but handy at any time.

Each time you complete something, mark it off the list. This will help ease your anxiety and show you you’re making progress. You got this!

Set Schedules and Time Block

Creating a schedule comes in handy as well. Once you make your lists, you can then create a time frame for when each item on the list should be done by. When you give yourself a schedule to stick to, it’s easier to see how much needs to get done and how much time you have to do it in.

Our time blocking and meal prep templates were designed with a stressed bride in mind! Use these time blocking and meal prep templates to help plan and destress in the days leading up to your wedding. Time block some “just me time”, meal prep, a reading list, grocery list, and planned group fun.

When setting your schedules, make sure to be realistic. Don’t force yourself to stress over getting too many things done in too little time. Spead your tasks out evenly, and make sure to leave time to exercise and rest!

Ask for Help

Has anyone ever told you it’s okay to ask for help? It’s okay to ask for help. We all need help sometimes. W

When you’re feeling overwhelmed with too much on your plate, don’t hesitate to ask friends or family for help. You can even hire a professional to help you with the planning as well. Professional wedding planners will handle the majority of the planning and give you free time to focus on other things.

Give Yourself More Time

If you feel as though there’s not enough time in the day to get things done, then give yourself more time. Start the planning process as early as possible so you’re not rushing. You can also wake up earlier each day to give yourself more time during the day. An extra hour in the morning might not seem like much, but when the evening comes, you’ll be surprised how early it is still and how much more time you have to work on things.

Wedding Planning is Much Simpler When You Use Time Management

Wedding planning is stressful at times, so don’t beat yourself up if you find yourself becoming stressed. Use the advice in the guide above, however, to keep time management on your side. With these time management tips for brides, you’ll be able to plan your wedding and enjoy your engagement!

Are you ready to ask for help when planning your wedding?

Connect with us today for a holistic and healthy approach to wedding planning. We’re excited to help!

More Time Management Tips from The Bridal Retreat:

Listen: Wedding Planning Solutions: Do you need a wedding planner?

Read: 15 Stress-Relieving Foods

Plan: Complete 12 Month Wedding Planning Checklist

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